Monday, March 30, 2009

I must be going....

Ages ago, someone asked me to write about the nature of theatre. I came up with a bold thesis where I claimed human art, language, and communications is all, in some way, storytelling. If this conjures images of small children gathered around a wise woman in a library, you either way off, and right on point. As small children, our hunger for narratives was insatiable, and even now we cannot express ourselves without the ability to conjure images and ideas within each other's minds.

Today's simple spot goes to the artist who made me decide to open up an account on etsy. John Clark takes two of my favoirte mediums, bold black ink, and pages from old books, and transforms them into images that call to mind still frames from a haunting film noir...his dangerous, beatifull women, and clever, evokative word choice have combined to make one very sucessfull etsy shop.

And there she is in profile, I like to think she hasn't said it yet, that or this is the silence that has settled in too deeply after such a remark...It has the unfinished quality of a good story, like the characters are going on without you....

I feature him without warning, or prio preperation...afterall, this is a man who was already interviewed by the big wigs...


Lolo Sinclair said...

Great article.. Love it!! :-)

C. Taylor Brown said...

Narratives are everything in our communication. Great post!
C. Taylor Brown
English Experiment

Tina said...

How did you create that effect with the picture on the right and the newspaper print? I like it a lot!

Kacey Anisa said...

uh, the picture on the right is from the shop of the artist I featured today. I Did Not Do That.

Anonymous said...

OOh those are lovely. Very film noir.